gongura pickle | gongura pickles online | priya gongura pickles - Priya Foods

 Priya Foods is a popular Indian brand known for its wide range of food products, including pickles. One of their most popular products is the Priya Gongura Pickle, which is a spicy and tangy pickle made from the leaves of the Gongura plant.

Gongura, also known as sorrel leaves or roselle leaves, is a popular ingredient in Andhra cuisine. It has a tangy and sour taste that adds a unique flavor to dishes. Priya Foods has created a delicious pickle by combining Gongura leaves with a blend of spices and oil.

The Priya Gongura Pickle is made using a traditional recipe, and the ingredients are carefully selected and processed to ensure the best quality. The pickle is made without any artificial preservatives or additives, making it a healthy and tasty addition to your meals.

The Priya Gongura Pickle can be used as a condiment with various dishes such as rice, chapati, paratha, and even as a dip for snacks. It can also be used as a marinade for meats and vegetables, adding a delicious tangy flavor to your dishes.

Overall, Priya Foods' Gongura Pickle is a must-try for anyone who loves spicy and tangy flavors. Its unique taste and high-quality ingredients make it a favorite among many Indian households, and it's sure to become a favorite in yours too.


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